Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings

Today at Hazel's preschool, the kids paraded into the parking lot wearing their homemade easter "bonnets" and waving palm branches and singing Hosanna to the King of Kings. It was so precious. Hazel and I worked hard on her bunny ears to wear in the parade and she worked very hard learning the two songs they sang. Afterwards, the kids had a special treat of cookies and milk.

(Hazel is 6th in line marching out)

It makes you so humbled when you hear your 4 year old talking and singing about the real reason for Easter. One verse from one of the songs they sang was:

You paid the price
You sacrificed
For me...For me
Now the least that I can do
Is live my life for you
(Hazel is the 4th from the left in the picture above)

Hazel shows off her bunny ears that she and I made. They were a little heavy and she really didn't want to put them back on for me to take this picture

1 comment:

Kayne and Thomas said...

Those are great. I love the bunny ears and am impressed you made them. I would have no idea where to begin! Hazel's facial expression is priceless in the last picture. And I love the words to that precious song. It humbles me to. It was good to see you girls yesterday.