Eliza turned 10 months yesterday and she is full of energy. She wants to walk so badly, but just isn't quite there. She has started climbing EVERYTHING. I remember Hazel doing this (still does) and it really got on my nerves. I had to watch her every minute. Eliza is such a happy baby and is very content with just about everything. She loves taking baths and swimming in the pool. She eats about anything she wants, and she LOVES strawberries. She has 10 teeth and knows how to use them! She also squeals in delight and anger. It is SO LOUD that I'm ashamed to take her anywhere, but its only a phase (I hope). I think that Little E will be walking very soon and a whole new perspective on the world will be hers.
Here are some pictures of her yesterday climbing the stairs and up on Nana's fireplace
Wow.. she really is on the move!! AC has gotten the hang of going up and down our step in the den and I know it only time before she too is full blown on the go!! How did our babies grow up so fast??
Sweet Baby Girl is growing up so fast!!
Oh my goodness...things are just getting interesting! She is so pretty. I am so glad that she & Cole can grow up together.
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