Today was a scary, but kinda comical day. It started out when Hazel and I were cooking breakfast. She wanted Cinnamon Rolls and I wanted to cook an egg for Eliza. I preheated the oven for the cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs while the oven was preheating. Hazel put the rolls on the baking sheet and I put them into the oven. I took the eggs off the stove and let them cool off before I gave them to Eliza. While the eggs were cooling, I took Little E to her bedroom to change her diaper. I had a Diet Coke (my coffee) sitting beside the stove. Hazel was still on top of the counter on the other side of the stove and decided she wanted a sip of my drink. She stood up on the counter and walked across the stove to get my drink. Yep, she stepped on the burner that I had just cooked the eggs on. She could not see that it was hot because our stove is a flat top with the "circles" for burners. I heard her scream and my first thought was that she tried to get the cinnamon rolls out of the oven. She started screaming "My feet, Moma, my feet are burning so bad." I instantly knew what happened because I have seen the way she walks on the counter to get things out the cabinet, which we have had numerous talks about not doing this. Well, her feet started to blister up really bad and were red, so I took her to Urgent Care. The whole way she was screaming and I was thinking about how I was going to explain how my child got the bottom of her feet burned. I just knew that doctor was going to call DSS on me!
When we got to Urgent Care, they got us back really quickly and soaked her feet in some cold saline. Then the doctor came in and looked at her feet. I told her the story just like I just told you guys and she just laughed. She told me they were 2nd degree burns and she needed some burn/antibiotic cream and to keep them bandaged up all weekend. So, I guess it will be a lot of TV for us this weekend! She is much better and she says that Jesus healed her feet so they don't hurt anymore. Thank you Jesus!
Here are some pictures I took while at Urgent Care. Yes, I always keep a camera in my purse!
Hazel said soaking her feet felt so good!