Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, September 1, 2008

Last "summer weekend" at the beach

This past weekend we headed down to the beach with Nana & Papa for Nana's birthday/Labor Day weekend. It made me sad to think that the weekends of laying out by the pool and swimming in the ocean are just about over for the year. But, we ended the summer with a bang. We ate great food (way too much) and went to the ocean and went to ride rides at Family Kingdom in Myrtle Beach. We went to the Beach Boogie BBQ Festival at Market Commons on Saturday and did lots of fun stuff. Nana- Happy Birthday and we were so glad to be able to spend it with you. Love You!

Hazel getting hooked up to the "Euro Jump" at the BBQ Festival- she loves these things!

Say Hello to the birds

Hazel was excited that Minnie came all the way from Disney World to the beachEliza riding the see saw with HazelSteve and me pushing the girls on the swings

Little E knows how to relaxMe and my sweet Hazel Steve, Papa & NanaHazel buried in the sand....again maybe the last time this yearPapa and Hazel on the Tilt-a-whirl
We all got to enjoy the merry-go-round...even Eliza

Little E loves her Daddy


Our4GreatKids said...

I am glad you guys had a great end to the summer! Next summer will be here before we know it. Your girls are absolutely adorable! - Jennifer

Kayne and Thomas said...

What a fun time!! I am glad you had a great time. I am sorry the girls are sick and hope they feel better tomorrow.

Jean said...

I loved these pictures! I know you had so much fun!