After the salon, Hazel, Kennedy and Lucy participated in the St. Jude Trike-A-Thon at St. Paul Methodist Church. The more laps they completed, the more money they raised. They worked hard and raised over $100.00 each to help the sick children at St. Jude Hospital. In addition, they also learned about bicycle safety. They had a great time and we'll definitely be doing it again next year. I love getting Hazel involved in things that can help those that are sick or less fortunate. Hopefully, she will remember as she gets older and continue to help out in the community.
On your mark.....Get Set....
In this picture, Hazel is breaking one of the safety rules she learned about...Always watch where you're going
Kennedy worked hard completing her laps
Lucy does a lap on Kennedy's big girl bike
The girls enjoy a snack afterwards
The 1st annual St. Paul UMC trike-a-thon participants! (Little E is on the back row in yellow)

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