Well, yesterday (July 4th) Eliza, you were 9 months old! I can't believe that you are growing up so fast. You have accomplished so much in your short little life and I'm so proud of you!
You are now feeding yourself finger foods, pulling up and cruising around furniture, saying Da-da, Ma-ma, Hazel and uh-oh. You love water whether it be bath or pool. You are very hot natured and can not stand to have clothes on at night, or during the day if you had your way! You love for Mommy and Hazel to read books to you and you can even turn the pages in some of them. You have 8 teeth and eat about anything that doesn't eat you first. Big Pa loves giving you new foods to try. Yes, you even ate pork skins this past weekend at the Lake. You are learning more baby sign language words each day and I love it when you try to "tell" me something with your hands.
You love to crawl into Hazel's room and play with all of her "choking hazard" toys like Barbies and beads and anything you're not supposed to touch. The other day you even tried to be a big girl and dress up with makeup with Hazel and Lucy. I love the look on your face when I discovered you in the middle of the make-up!
Eliza, everyday is a joy and I couldn't have asked for a happier baby. You hardly ever cry and I appreciate that because I can't tolerate it- just ask Mrs. Kayne and Mrs. Katie how stressed out I get when things don't go smooth. (Thursday night at dinner at Oakdale)
I love you, "Little E" and I'm happy to be your Mommy! Just stop growing up so fast....please!
Eliza is already trying to wear make-up!
Happy 9 months Eliza! She is adorable Sandy!
Such a sweet and precious little girl. You are blessed!
Don't worry about Thursday night. We all get stressed. That is part of being a mommy. We are sorry you were stressed at first and are glad the rest of the weekend went well! We had a great time with you all.
Eliza, you are So cute! I know you have had a blast in your 9 months here in the world!
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