Thursday night we went to Oakdale County Club for dinner and swimming and fireworks with the Byerlys, the Andersons, the Rubles, the Smutzs. We had a traditional 4th meal of BBQ ribs, fried chicken, BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, baked beans, rolls, sweet tea and of course, apple pie with ice cream! After dinner, we headed to the pool for some swimming. But, not me....I was too stuffed from dinner to swim and not to mention the 200 hundred people that I did not want to see me in my bathing suit. I let Hazel and Eliza swim with their friends. When it got dark, the fireworks started and I think that was the longest fireworks show I've ever seen or it sure felt like it. Hazel likes to watch the fireworks, but hates the loud noise, so she keeps her fingers in her ears. Eliza slept through the beginning of the fireworks, but woke up in time to watch the end....she loved the pretty colors. The noise didn't seem to bother her. After the fireworks, we headed home for bed....we had to get up early and head to the Lake with the Rogers'.
Eliza loves "walking" around in the baby pool
Everyone resting before the fireworks begin
Eliza & Ashton
Ms. Katie & Cole, Tyler, me, Jennie & Ashton, Christy, Kayne & Olivia
Joey & Little Brady. Can you believe he's already 2 weeks old?
Eliza snoozes through some of the fireworks
Everyone watching the fireworks...well, everyone except Cooper who has his arm over his eyes...
1 comment:
Aww..looks like you guys had lots of fun:)
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