Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sunday was Steve's birthday and after we got home that evening from the mountains, Hazel wanted to get Daddy a cake. Neither Steve or Hazel like birthday cake, so Hazel picked Daddy out a cookie cake. We also picked up chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. (As you can see I wasn't counting calories this weekend) Hazel said that we had to get 33 candles to put on the cake and so we did and almost burned down the house! Just Kidding. It's hard to believe my hubby is 33! I used to think that was old. Well, I only have a few years and I'll be there too.

Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you!


threeladsandonelass4me said...

Happy Birthday steve! I can remember when I thought thirty was old:) What I wouldn't give to be thirty again!!

Kayne and Thomas said...

Happy Birthday steve!! I agree with Steve and Hazel - I prefer a good cookie cake too!

Melanie Turner said...

Happy Birthday Steve!! Welcome to the club!!