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Friday, January 2, 2009

Feliz Navidad!

Hazel had her Christmas program at school on December 12th- the Friday that school got out for Christmas break. Before the program, her class had a party with cookies, juice, candy, and lots of other goodies. These are always fun for the kids. This year since Hazel is in 4k, she and the other 4K students sang 2 songs, one of which is now her favorite Christmas song, Feliz Navidad.

In 4k, she goes to Spanish class once a week with Professor Torres. SHE LOVES IT. She tells me every Monday when I pick her up, all the words she learned for the day. I got the children singing on video, but can't figure out how to upload it, so here are some pictures from the program. Hazel and her teacher, Mrs. Martin
They all sounded so good!

Singing Feliz Navidad-they pointed at the audience at the part of the song when it says "I want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart."

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