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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Got Milk?

This morning Hazel wanted cereal for breakfast. I tried to talk her into grits or oatmeal because it was so cold outside and because we had no milk. Hazel did not want the oatmeal or grits, she wanted cheerios. "But Hazel we don't have any milk" I told her. "Just pump me some like you do for Eliza!" Hazel quickly replied. How do you tell a 4 year old that Mommy's milk is not for cereal and mixing with chocolate nesquik mix? I don't think we'll run out of milk (skim milk, that is) in our house again.


Kayne and Thomas said...

That is great! I love it!

Shelby said...

That is priceless! Those 2 girls are adorable!