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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pink Hair for Hope

If you haven't heard already, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so if you see pink ribbons, car decals, shirts, flyers, flags, hair (yes, I said hair). Some friends and I took our girls to a local hair salon to get "pink hair." The pink extension costs $10.00 and all proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research. I explained to Hazel that the pink hair was to help sick people with cancer and she loves showing and telling people about her pink hair. Trena and Missy got pink in their hair too, so I even got a couple of strands. I figured this was my only chance and I had a good excuse to get it. But it actually looks cute, and I've gotten several compliments on it. Here are a few pictures from the salon. I hope this encourages everyone else to donate for breast cancer awareness (or go get pink hair!)
Mrs. Tabitha getting ready to put the pink extension in Hazel's hair

Madeline & Hazel pose with their hair

Kennedy waits patiently for her pink hair

1 comment:

Kayne and Thomas said...

Love the pink hair! I know the girls do too!!